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Beach Walk

Book your dog in for a morning at the beach with a partner in crime!

A trip to the seaside for a long coastal walk and paddle or swim in the sea. 


Your dog will be collected at 8am and taken to the nearest beach that is available depending on seasonal restrictions. 


We will explore a walk along the seafront with a chance for the dogs to have a swim, chase a ball or just have a run and be free. Because lets face it there is nothing better then being by the sea!


Fresh water & treats will be provided for at break time


Your dog will then arrive home at 12 noon ready for a well deserved nap!

All dogs are welcome on this trip!

If you are new to Walking Paws Around Bordon a meet & greet will need to be carried out before the trip.


If you would like to book your dog in please follow the link below or if you have any questions please do get in contact



Brown Dogs
Multi-Colored Cat
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